Become an O2E Volunteer

Becoming an O2E Volunteer is easy. Simply follow the steps below to secure your placement and travel adventure.

O2E offers support while you plan your trip, during your travel and when you return. We are available to provide assistance whenever the need arises.

Step 1: Go to our website and Choose your Destination and Project
Browse O2E Projects or use the Destinations map. Decide what interests you or where in the world you would like to travel.

Contact us by email if you have any queries on

Decide your start date and duration of travel.

Step 2: Apply

Contact us by email at to discuss your placement details.

Step 3: Confirmation

Once your payment is made to O2E, your placement is confirmed. You are on your way!

You will receive an Information Pack including detailed information about the project, a to-do list, travel insurance options (Note: Not all insurers cover you for working with animals), visa and vaccination requirements, a packing list and information about the country you are visiting.

Some information can be found in the Resources section:
• Travel insurance
• Visa requirements
• Country information

Step 4: Start planning your travel

Join the Oceans2Earth Volunteers Facebook Page.

Book your flights...and start packing!

It's that easy!

Now you can look forward to an experience that will change your outlook on life forever.